Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Run Away Luv

Today I went to get my friend to go to school

When I went to her door her mother answered

She said she hadn't seen her

I was thinking she couldn've went loose

So I go down the hall to get get my friend Donavan

My brother and I wiat inside his house

Then he tells us the bad news and I'm thinking OUCH!

He said yesterday he seen her outside crying sitting on the bench

Once she told him why

He said why are you doing this

But this is what she's dealing with:

Now little Asia is only 13 yrs old

She wants her mother to just leave her alone

Everytime something isn't going right

Asia her mother ends up in a fight

So she tired of all the drama

Just wants to get away from her mama

She's tired of all her sorrow and all her pain

Even though she didn't want to leave her little sister

She said to me that one day she's gunna run away and never come back!

Her story isn't that bad

Well...that's what happened to the lad

Now the question is what will she do

Donavan said when she ran away she was left with...

Short shorts, a tanktop and no shoes

Based on a true story


I can't wait 'til christmas. All i want is a digital cam, and a cell phone. I just want to have a happy christmas and spend it good with my fam....=]...happy holidays. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year...=]

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Right now I'm going thru being betrayed. my cuzzin betrayed me for some seventh grade gurls. Someone else betrayed me in flex and he talks to alot of gurls. He don't talk to me that much anymore. Then he asked me if I can help him with his homework that's due. I told him no cz he betrayed me. He asked me how?...I looked at him crazy and he tried to give me a hug. But really, honestly, I don't care so much cz i have da ppl I need in my life and I have alot of friends to rely on even though much are my good friends are leavin me for different skools.....=[

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I cant wait 'til Christmas. All I want is a digital camera, a laptop, a cell phone, and some clothes. For sure I'm getting a digital camera and some clothes. I also think I'm getting the cell phone....=]

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What do I do when a patron needs help on egyptian info...?

I would tell the patron to go to the catalog and search for it then help them look for its number on the book on the shelf. Or I'll tell them to search it on the internet.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Forget Him

Forget his name

Forget his kiss

Forget his face

Forget his entrance

Forget the luv that you once knew

Remember he has someone new

Forget him when they played your song

Remember when you cried all night long

Forget how close you once were

Remember he has chosen her

Forget how you memorized his walk

Forget the way he used to talk

Forget the things he used to say

Remember he has gone away

Forget his laugh forget his grin

Forget the dimples on his chin

Published by Harriet Jean Glover...(the mcfadden family)

Everlasting Luv

I never really knew you

You were just another friend

But when I began to notice you

I let my heart unbend

I couldn't keep past memories

They've only made me cry

I had to forget my first luv

And give luv another try

So now I've fallen in luv with you

And I'll never let you go

I luv you more than anyone

I just had to let you know

And if you ever wonder

I don't know what I'll do

But you are your own person

Just remember......♥ I luv yeww ♥
Published by Harriet Jean Glover.....(the mcfadden family)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My BIG Mistake:

As I lie on my bed
Thinking about what yew said
I hear a small voice
It once said come with me and get him out of your head
I went to the living room becz the phone rang
I said hello
He said goodbye
So I went into the kitchen yelling, screaming, throwing things
I was hurt so bad
Then I noticed a knife
I said to myself
I'll get him out of my head
I cut deep into my wrist
Not feeling a thing
Blood was gushing out
And I rubbed it on my head
Now he's out and...........I"M DEAD

Friday, November 6, 2009


When I get information about the world, I look at the news, ask my friends and family,read it in a magazine, or ask someone. I know when they are right or wrong, bcz i look it up or everybody talks about it. When I get reliable information it helps me out. It goes well sometimes and sometimes not.

My Song Of The Week:You Belong With Me by Talor Swift

You're on the phone with your girlfriend

She's upset

She's going off about something that you said

She doesn't get your humor like I do

I'm in my room

It's a typical Tuesday night

I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like

She'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts

I wear T-shirts

She's cheer captain

And I'm on the bleachers

Dreamin' about the day

When you wake up and find out what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you can see that I'm the one who understands you

Been here all along

So why can't you see you belong with me

You belong with me

Walking the streets with you and your worn out jeans

I can't help thinking

This is how it ought to be

Laughing on a park bench

Thinking to myself

Hey, isn't this easy

My Halloween Story:

Today is Friday the 6th!! and my class and I get to know who won the $5.oo prize for our Halloween story. I'm so happy bcz three of my frindz n I agreed to spilt 50 cent with the two of us if one of us won. The 8th grade teachers voted on them. Hear is a sneak peek of my story:

It was a rainy Halloween night. Me and my best friends Jasmin, Kaelond, and Stephanie went trick-or-treating. Our pillowcases was ful of candy. It was getting late. I told them let's mope around some more.I wanted a few more chocolate bars, but my friends were worried it how late it was getting. I told them we could take a shortcut through the old forest...........

Monday, November 2, 2009

When I Want To Know Something...

Whe I want to know something, the first thing i do is ask someone, go online and ask my friends, or call my friends and ask them. When someone usually don't know the answer I do get fustrated, and I don't give. I keep asking until I get my answer, because I want to know the answer. When I succeed, I was happy that I finally got my answer. I did it by asking all my friends online or family.

My Halloween Weekend:

For my Halloween I didn't go trick-or-treating, because my auntie, and cusin and I came back from going to places all day. So my aunt said to wait for 1 hour to take us out, because we were visiting her and didn't know the neighborhood. Then she said and told us that she'll give us $20 if we don' t go. My uncle said you bragged them with money? She told him yes and she's not ashamed. That was funny. Then I was watching Hallowee,The Uninvited,and Thw Happening, but my cusin and I weren't paying attention. I was on my space with my best friend Jasmin for like an hour or 45 minutes.We just left the t.v on because it felt weir and awkward with silence.

My Vacation:

For my vacation, I went to visi my cusins in San Bernandino for 3 weeks. I got to read Twiligt..Although I didn't finish. I didn't do much as I expected. Now I'm back in school ready to start from where I started.

Monday, August 17, 2009


I didn't learn how to print overdue notices. I didn't learn how to make barcodes for student planners.

My 3rd Review:

Right now im reading Stargirl. Some ppl tell me the 2nd book of her iz bettr.So i'm trying to hurry up and finish it. I think it's an okay book. Its about a girl that name iz stargirl. She's pretty weird. She sings happpy b-day during lunch at whoevr the person is,. while it's rainin she dances outside while the other high skool kids r inside. She follows wherever the sun "leads" her(when skool lets out).She takes out her microphone and starts to sing. She has a rat that lives in her bag. She asks questions that has nothing to do with anything about the lesson nor subject. That's the summary of what I've read so far.

2 more weeks!!!

In 2 more weeks(which iz august 28th),'s going to be my last day of skool!...ill be comming bak in october the 23rd...i expect to work harder during these 2 weeks.i plan to stay and visit my cousin champane for a while. i dont know what else i want to do or plan.ill try..well im already going to have to get vacation homework..ah shoot!...i dont lyk vacation homework at all but our teachrz wont to keep our minds steadied nd focuse. So that when we come bak,..we will review and remembr some things or maybe a lot.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Review: Holes

I read a book called Holes. It's a about a teenage boy Stanley that is cursed from his no-good-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather. It's a generation. Stanley spends his time in Green Camp Lake(where you dig holes to get taught a lesson ) for "stealing" a pair of Claude Livingston from the homeless center. He meets a friend zero that got the both of them at Camp Green Lake.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Friends And I:

My friends Stephanie and Shailyn,and Veronica and I are funny, wild, crazy, etc. But that's how we r. We have our own little group and talk to other ppl. It kills me when ppl try to be with us. No matter how much they try they will alwayz be an aquantance. lol...srry. Anywayz, yeah....when try to make plans, ppl want to get involved. So everything turns out not gunna happen. I luv dem "as a frind" ( 4 dose ppl that has something else going in their mind ) fa-realse. I luv my othr frindz too. Also, my haters.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Brainpop # 5:

This is about poetry. Poetry is any writting that uses words for their sounds and rhythm as well as their meaning. It emphasizes artistic elements liky rhythm, rhyme, and repetition. You can measure its rhythm by meters. rhyme is similar sounds at the end of the lines of poetry. Poems that don't rhyme is called a rhyme scheme/pattern. People write poetry to express their feelings instead of prose. I took the quiz and got a 9 out of 10.

Brainpop # 4:

This brainpop is about blogs. A blog is a website written in journal-style. Political or cultural blogs using political figures and current events. Using it's anything you want. It's also a cheap and effective way for people to show their work on the internet. You can post pictures, music, or writing on your blog. There are plenty of websites to create your blog. Upload music, or other files that no one can download. A photo blog is a blog that features photographs. A video blog is the same, except for it's videos instead. Blogs started in the mid 1990s. It's dangerous to put personal information,because people can harass and threaten you. I took the quiz and got 8 out of 10.

Brainpop # 3:

This is about computer viruses. A computer virus is a tiny program that causes your computer in a lot of trouble. It can occur from/with attatched, downloading, and xebulon file shuffling. A computer virus can replicate and make copies of itself to thousands of computers. Also about a computer worm. A computer worm is a program that looks for security holds in computer networks. When it finds a machine that isn't secure, it copies itself inside that machine and looks for another. Viruses and worms just don' do it, they find things that has a problem. I took the quiz and got a 6 out of 10.


I learned how to use the printers. I did not learn how to use the copier/laminator. I didn't learn how to use a digital camera, but i alreay know how to use some certain things on one.

Another Thing I'd like To Review:

i found out that 8th graders that are interested in leadership and media can join. You have to be an A student or keep your grades up. You choose either one and stick with it for the whole year for your flex class.How cool!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Last Year At LAAMS!!

I expect for me to do the best i can for my last year. I'm REALLYgunna miss my close friends. Such as: Genesis, Martina, Selina, Jimmia, Karla,Kaylond,Liliana, etc. I wanna get accepted to a high school that deals with music,singing,acting,and maybe modeling. i'm gunna also have fun for my last year. Play my dues,go to dances,try to get into leadership,go to tuttoring (if needed),and when the year is almost over, go to picnics, and other 8th grade activites.I might. Just might visit LAAMS sumtime(s). Some ppl i know might even go to the same high school as me.=]

P.S: At least I won't have to be stuck with my brother!.................well at home....=(

Monday, July 20, 2009

Brainpop # 2:

I watched a clip of asthma. Asthma is a common condition of the lungs. People with asthma suffers/deals with coughing, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chess. The gunks in the air is called an asthma attack for people that has asthma. Also, things that can be caused by asthma is running, food alergics, weather and strong emotions. When the air gets into our lungs, the moles and the lungs shrink.That's why people have their inhaler. I took the quiz and got a 8/10.

Brainpop # 1:

I watched a clip about cameras. To take a photo, u'll need light.The difference between a digital camera and a regular camera, is that the digital camera is smaller and has more light. When you hit the flash button to take a picture, there's round pieces of glasses and shuttles. I learned about the CCD too. i took the quiz and got a 7/10 ( seven out of ten ). =)


I learned how to keep the library cleaned and organized. I learned where to find the date stickers. I learned

My Power Point:

I still don't know know what I want my power point is going to be about yet. Maybe about Michael Jackson..but I still dont know yet..ppl give me ideas...and post sum commets..i need sum help here!
I reviewed and also reccomend the 7 series of Mostly Ghostly books. The first book (Mostly Ghostly: Who Let The Ghost Out? ), is about a boy named Max about the age range of 11-12. He discovers two kid ghosts named Nicky and Tara. They needs Max's help to know about their past. Phears,a terrifying animal traveler is looking for Nicky and Tara. Worst, Max is the ONLY person that can see them. If he dosen't cooperate with Phears and Nicky and Tara, he feels that he will be haunted!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

My Training:

I work for the LAAMS( Los Angeles Academy Middle School)library. I learned how to check in/out books, I didn't learn how to renew books yet, but i would like to learn. I didn't learn how to put a book on hold for a student. I also learned how to save/print documents.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Personality And Lifestyle:

im funny, crazy, smart, curious, and a cool person. i lyk to get out of the house. i lyk to dance, sing, and go out and have fun. i 'm in luv with singing and i have been sining for 10 YEARS. since i wuz the age of 4. i want to get accepted into a high school that deals with music. lyk Reforming english teacher is going to help me try to get into that school. so far, i've met chris bown, raven symone, sean kingston, m-c lite, and Lloyd. they have followed their dreams and i KNOW i have a shot of making my potiential. so yeah...that's a secret huge peek of my lifestytle.

Neisha Starr xoxoxoxoxo