Monday, November 2, 2009

My Halloween Weekend:

For my Halloween I didn't go trick-or-treating, because my auntie, and cusin and I came back from going to places all day. So my aunt said to wait for 1 hour to take us out, because we were visiting her and didn't know the neighborhood. Then she said and told us that she'll give us $20 if we don' t go. My uncle said you bragged them with money? She told him yes and she's not ashamed. That was funny. Then I was watching Hallowee,The Uninvited,and Thw Happening, but my cusin and I weren't paying attention. I was on my space with my best friend Jasmin for like an hour or 45 minutes.We just left the t.v on because it felt weir and awkward with silence.

1 comment:

  1. hey... wats up. so thats wat u did 4 halloween. i didnt go trick or treating neither. this halloween sucked huh. i didnt like it cuz it was boring and there was no spirit within the people in ma neighborhood. but at least u had alot of fun and i didnt:(
