Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Last Year At LAAMS!!

I expect for me to do the best i can for my last year. I'm REALLYgunna miss my close friends. Such as: Genesis, Martina, Selina, Jimmia, Karla,Kaylond,Liliana, etc. I wanna get accepted to a high school that deals with music,singing,acting,and maybe modeling. i'm gunna also have fun for my last year. Play my dues,go to dances,try to get into leadership,go to tuttoring (if needed),and when the year is almost over, go to picnics, and other 8th grade activites.I might. Just might visit LAAMS sumtime(s). Some ppl i know might even go to the same high school as me.=]

P.S: At least I won't have to be stuck with my brother!.................well at home....=(

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